Borrowing a term from the wonderful designer Mark D Sikes, it’s when one fabric or pattern is used on everything in a room. It creates a strong, cohesive look. And personally, I love it. Today we’re looking at a few rooms that make use of the power of one - some with flair, others with restraint - all beautiful!
More is more in this sweeping master bedroom. The Tree of Life pattern is repeated on the walls, bed drapery, sofa and bench cushion. The flooring and furnishings add warmth to the space and complement the whites nicely. I also like the the pops of turquoise (table lamp, vase, foo dogs) in a sea of red and white!
Mario Buatta’s celebrated Kip’s Bay Showhouse where he used Brunschwig & Fils Batik-inspired Verrieres fabric to great effect.
Cote de Texas (thank you too to Little Augury, for a fascinating lesson on the history of this fabric!)
In this bedroom, the wallpaper, bedcover, window shade and sette are all in Pierre Frey’s ‘Sans Papillons’. Offset by plain curtains, and pink lampshades that are picking up on the pink of the flowers.
I love this room, decorated in the iconic Bowood chintz! The beadboard walls give it a certain intimacy. It feels airy, light and like it would be easy to enjoy.