I love this quote by Milton Glaser (who designed one of the most recognizable logos in the world - "I (heart) NY")
"There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for."
I thought it'd be fun and insightful to start, by sharing with you, 25 beautiful objects to which my response has been WOW. A treasure trove of beautiful things that left a lasting impression on me & that have a story to tell.
I'll share one each week! Here goes... starting with No. 25
25. The Boutis
In the little apartment we lived in, in Provence, there was a lovely vintage boutis stored in one of the armoires. It was absolutely gorgeous. When I ran my hands over it, it felt almost sculptural.
Boutis is a French art form that combines embroidery & quilting. Thousands of hours go into making ONE piece.
The effect it creates when seen against the light is magnificent!
I love this marriage boutis (pictured above) made by the Rideau de Paris, with it's palmetto leaves & scalloped edges. It would make an absolutely gorgeous wedding gift, don't you think? One for keeps.
Is there something that's WOW-ed you? Something you fell in love with at first sight?
Photo taken from "A Home in Provence", photography by Christian Sarramon